Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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Open Day

Some of the audience, apologies to those who arrived after I took the picture...

We had an open day today. In spite (or perhaps because of) the football match we still had a good turnout. Those that came along seemed to have a good time, and they went away with wherewouldyouthink T shirts and a smile. Even though I told some of my jokes.....


Cool Photos

You find some amazing things on the internet. How about pictures taken with a lens made of ice?


Insight Insight

Did a talk at an Insight event today. I was telling all about mobile development to a bunch of academics. Great bunch of folks who seemed to enjoy the talk. I never got around to telling the orange for a head joke, but you can Google it if you like.  If you were at the talk, I promised a bunch of links and downloads. You can find them in the presentations part of the site here.  I got to stay in a proper english hotel room for a change.



For your information, hotel owners of the world, this is what we english expect to see in our rooms when we arrive. Not a minibar loaded with expensive items or a coffee filter thing which only makes one cup of luke warm drink. This is how you do it.  And don't forget the biscuits.



Drove down to Kidderminster today in a rented car. I like rented cars. They are always shiny and new and somebody else's problem if they go wrong. Today's car was a shiny Saab. It had loads of buttons, including one labeled ESP which I never dared press. It had separate air conditioning settings for the driver and passenger sides . Number one sun set his to minimum and I maxed mine out in an attempt to create a weather front down the middle of the car as we drove in to work.  It also had a feature which reminded me of one of my favourite jokes.

Driver : "I pressed this button and the car instantly drove straight into the sea!"
Mechanic : "That was the cruise control sir".

Anhyoo. Nice car.


CSI Wonderfullness

Best line in CSI tonight:

"You'll have to excuse me. I need to go calibrate a hot tub."