Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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Is this a photoblog?

Is this a photoblog?
Originally uploaded by RobMiles.




This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Too hot to post..

It is just too hot and sticky to post blogs at the moment. My room here is like an oven and even the fan (which was cheap from Tesco and sounds like a Jumbo Jet in an echo chamber) doesn't make things much better.

So I'm not going to post tonight. Except that I just have. So this whole blog thing has just not worked at all today.

I hate this weather.


As I was saying....

Did my first Webcast tonight.  Never done one before. You feel a bit stupid sitting in a room talking down a phone to a whole bunch of people you can't see, but you get used to it after a while. It is a bit scary though. There is a technique for dealing with presentations where you imagine the audience naked. In this case, they might actually have been - a horrible thought.

I'd very carefully scripted everything so that I knew just what to do and when to do it. So off I went.  Just about everything worked, although I did have to speed up a bit at the end to get to the finish without missing anything.  And I did tell my favourite joke as well, just as I promised. But of course I couldn't hear anybody laugh (so no change there). If you want to watch too, take a look here.


Ace Wednesday

Ace audience

Another day, another ACE talk.  Another great audience. I've no idea how Danni does it, but she gets in premium students each time. Anyway, today Digby sort of behaved himself, and of course got more applause than anyone else. I'm thinking about giving him his own blog on this site, but I'm not sure he needs the extra exposure..


Blurry Digby