Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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Bye Bye Orange

I'm in the process of saying goodbye to an old friend. I've had a mobile phone with Orange since a long time ago, when black and white screens were cool. But now I'm leaving them and shacking up with T-Mobile. I gave Orange a chance, I spoke to their "Customer Retention" team (which sounds really scary) but at the end of the day they can't offer me what I want.

What I want is unlimited use of the internet on my mobile phone for 7.50 a month. I want to be able to use my mobile to browse the internet, check my email and download the odd file without worrying about the cost (which up until now has been horrendous). T-Mobile will let me do this. Orange won't. The nearest I can get with Orange (and this is a tip folks) is that if I use a Pay As You Go connection I can pay a pound for as much internet as I want for a single day. This is great for trips away and the odd demonstration. But I want the mobile internet as part of my life. So it is goodbye to Orange for a while.

I'm pretty sure that eventually Orange will have to come up with something similar, but I don't particularly want to wait. I've got a taste for mobile email and that means using the internet  a lot.  And I want it  now. So it is goodbye to my Orange contract and hello for a year with T-Mobile.

Reader Comments (2)

What? Nothing more on the MicroFramework? Very little is out there and your few words (to be honest) are about the most. Ideas, man, all these ideas and no hardware of software to play with.
July 5, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterRon
Hmmm. All I can say is wait and see. I know that the guys in Microsoft are working like mad to get stuff to market. I reckon you might see some nice developments coming down the tracks for TechEd later this year. And it is worth waiting for.....
July 5, 2006 | Registered CommenterRob

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