Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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C# Yellow Book

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"They Die by Moonlight" Part 3

As I  got to my feet I considered things as dispassionately as I could. "Worse things happen at sea" I thought to myself. Although having the love of your life kidnapped and being a given list of people you must kill before she is released probably doesn't figure on most cruise itineries. And as for the special glasses which linked me with the kidnappers and let them see and hear my every move, they were just icing on a very nasty cake that was not in any way nautical.

As I stood up I felt a wire tugging on my glasses. It seemed to be connected to briefcase on the ground at my feet.

"What's that?" I said out loud.

"Battery pack". The voice of my tormentor rasped in my ear. "I could have got lighter ones, but then again I don't have to carry them. I've also left a few presents inside."

I opened the case. There was a pack of batteries, sniper rifle, a clip of bullets and an egg mayonnaise sandwich. I hate egg mayonnaise. My stomach churned.

"A little something for later". The voice in my earpiece sounded rather too pleased with itself. "But I'm not going to make you eat it now".

I closed the case, picked it up and walked carefully back to my car. I  got in and started the engine.

"I need to go back to the office."  He didn't like the idea of that.
"If I don't check in they will start looking for me."
"Just call them. And no funny business.I went to clown college you know. I can spot the signs". I sighed. I knew all about his time with Professor Chuckles at his Mirth Academy. And his first gig. And the humiliation. And his subsequent spiral into crime which had turned us from fast friends into mortal enemies.

I pulled out my mobile phone. I flipped it open and hit the speed dial. Koyoto was quick to answer.

"How goes it boss?"
"OK." I tried to sound as relaxed as possible. "But something has come up, I'm not going to make my 6 o'clock I'm afraid."
"That's OK, I'll call them and cancel." she replied, all Japanese efficiency.
"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow". I snapped the phone shut and pushed it back into my pocket.  

"Now then Trip" came the voice in my ear, "Let's go and see Mr. Mayor." The first name on my list, who has to die before the moon sets.

Everyone knew where the mayor was going to be tonight. The annual benefit for homeless lifeguard veterans had been a sell out for weeks. The press were there, the TV were there. Nemesis was going to make sure that everyone saw me pull the trigger.

"What makes you think I'll kill the mayor?" I asked. "Because you love Beverley." came the reply.

Nemesis seemed to have thought of everything. As I pulled up outside City Hall a man walked up and asked for my car keys so that he could park my car. As he drove away I reflected on the organizational genius of the evil overlord. "I don't know who that man is" came the voice in my ear, "but he has your car now".

Some days you just can't get a break.

I climbed up the stairs to the top gallery. My name and reputation had got me into the building and up to this vantage point. Some people in the city police force seemed to have a high opinion of me. That would change. I snapped the tripod together and assembled the rifle in a daze. Before I was aware of what was happening I was staring through the telescopic sights at the mayor on the podium.

"Do it now". The voice in my earpiece was urgent, "Or she dies now".

He was right. It was him or her. And he was definitely uglier. The best mayor we had ever had, honest, forthright, tough on crime, the causes of crime and also the causes of the causes of crime. But he had to die to save her.

I breathed in, held it, and then squeezed the trigger. The gun coughed and a red spot appeared on the chest of the most beloved man in the whole of LA. He faltered and collapsed as guards swarmed around the stage. A spotlight swung round and I was blinded by the light. I dropped the gun and began to run back towards the darkness.