Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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Decisions, Decisions...

In the TV guide in the paper today describing the Sky One program "10.5 Apocalypse":

Sam has a terrible decision to make when the fault line heads towards the United States' biggest nuclear reactors...

Yeah. Right. Like "Which are my best shoes for running away at great speed?".

And since when have fault lines wandered around the planet?


Uncontrolled Laughter


Not sure how to interpret this message.

Did a talk today for our ACE event, where we invite local students from local schools to take a look  at our university. It went very well, and the audience were great.  The Middleton Hall, where I gave the talk, has this really posh presenter control thing which I got to play with. And I used my new laser pointer. To point at things! Wow! (perhaps I am too easily impressed - even at my age). Anyhoo, we had a good time, and I'm doing it all over again next week.  Just hope that the dog behaves better next time.


Before the talk, the shadow of "the man".


The audience being wowed by Digby, again. Digby has his own group on my Flickr site if you want to see more pictues of him in inaction.


Spoiler Spoiler

01bongo friendee
Sans Spoiler...

Do you want a spoiler for your Bongo Friendee? Dave next door  does, but then there are other people out on the internet who do as well. With one minute left the item was priced at 51 quid. I was under instructions to go as far as 70 so, in the last minute of bidding with only seconds to go, I fired off my one and only bid.

And somebody else got the spoiler for 93.50.   Wah.


World Cup?


A football cup. Probably more than England will see this year.

Anyone who knows me will be aware of the level of regard in which I hold the game of football. Which makes my acquisition of the above mug actually a deeply ironic statement. (but it does hold a lot of tea and it was free).


York Ducks

I've no idea what make of birds they are. But I'm pretty sure that the big one is mummy.

Took number one daughter back to York today. She mentioned that the ducks all over campus were looking quite photogenic. So I took the big camera and proper lens and grabbed a few pictures. There are more on my Flickr site.