Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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Armthorpe Invaders

"Why not try a picture with the glasses on" they cried. Why not indeed.

We had a bunch of sixth formers from Armthorpe come and see us today. They are all either studying computing or thinking about it. Anyway, we set up some activities and took them on a tour around the place. By all accounts a good time was had by all.


Retail Therapy with Rats

Ratty (not an original name - but there you go)

Took a day off work today to go to Leeds to do some shopping. Not got anything special in mind, or any desire to buy any clothes (which is just as well in my case). Anyhoo, we went to "The Only Place In The Country Where Rob Can Buy Things That Fit 'Cos He Is Tall (tm)" shop and took a look at all the stuff that we wouldn't like to buy even if we could afford it.  They even had a jacket with specially shortened sleeves. Clever.

On the way out, having bought nothing, I picked up a catalogue. This had lots of pictures of soulful tall people lounging on a beach, including one chap who was playing the bongos in a dodgy hoody. Nuff said.

So we went to IKEA and bought two rats and a shower curtain. Much more fun. And they do meatballs in the cafe.


Complicated Problems

If a plane carrying a load of black boxes crashed, how on earth would they find out what had happened?


Darren gets married

Darren gets married
Originally uploaded by RobMiles.


Degree on Sea

Can you find yourself here? (a bigger version is in the pictures section)

Went up to Scarborough today to do the degree thing. What a day. Magnificent weather and a great bunch of students. Very nice.

Sun, sea, sand, sky and Scarborough