Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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Free Drinks Coasters

Free. Once in a lifetime offer. This tasteful set of matching drinks coasters will enliven any party or social occasion. Emblazoned with "MR DVD 8X Write speed" on one side and a spiral motif on the other which ends at EXACTLY THE SAME PLACE on all four disks these precision made coasters are also fitted with a central ventilation hole which provides for smooth airflow around the beverage placed thereon.

This is hopefully a limited offer, although given the performance of my Nero software and new DVD burner it could well the the start of a long production run for these special and decreasingly unique items.

Let me know if you want them.


Panda to your every whim

Some of my friends are a bit mad (well duh?). Others might be.

Rory, well, you be the judge. I've only met him a couple of times and in person he is one of the most level headed, professional and sensible people you could happen across. But put him in charge of a web site and really strange things happen. Really strange. His blog is well written and well weird.  And now he has made this Panda thing, which takes strange to a new level and then adds strangeness. I really have no idea what is going on. But I quite like it.  And you might too. Leave your sensibilities at the door and take a look.


Unhappiness is Green Cubes

Not what I want to see at all...

I've been working on my webcast for next week. (if you want a way to speed up your life try doing a series of weekly webcasts - you'd be amazed how fast each one comes round).

Anyhoo, we are reaching the end, where I want to show my style and put some 3D objects on the screen in front of a funky background. The idea is to make a 3D version of the Snake game where the snake moves around with a constant value of Z in each vertex. I'm calling it "Snake on a Plane" in homage to the upcoming movie staring Samuel Jackson. The "snake" is going to be made of little coloured spinning cubes.  Why? I don't know why. I don't make the rules...

So I get my coloured cubes, put a green grass texture behind them and fire up the program. And all my cubes turn green. Wah. Don't want green cubes. Although they do look rather cool.  Tried lots of things to get rid of them. Everything except the right thing, which is to remember to turn the texture off. Ooops. Thanks to number one son for spotting this. Now I'm going to have to find a way of wiping that smug grin off his face.

If you want to take part in the last webcast and maybe win an imp, then register here.


Webcasts and Free Food

Yes, it really is Hull centre...

I did my third webcast tonight. You can find the gory details here. After that we all went up town for a meal with the Microsoft Imagine Cup team. You would think that living in Hull for 30 odd years would mean that I would find the restaurant easily. No such luck. And proceedings weren't helped by the lady in the SatNav being totally unable to plot a route to our destination. Anyhoo, once we hooked up with the rest of the gang a great time was had by all. And Hull centre looked splendid.


New Computer Game Idea

I've just had an idea for a new video game. In it players take control of some little computer memory chips. They have to guide them through life, make sure they are properly plugged in, and manage their address and data bus connections as the chips  grow old and learn new things. I'm going to call it "The Simms".