Philadelphia Freedom
Saturday, November 23, 2013 at 10:08PM
Flew back today from “The Best MVP Summit Ever”™. My flight was via Philadelphia, where they had a rather nice sunset (see above). I took the picture with my Lumia 1020 (actually I took 5 and then merged them together to get the rather pleasing result). I think I’ll print out a really large version of this.
Another surreal favourite moment, hearing Elton John’s “Philadelphia Freedom” being played through the public address system while I was there. Awesome.
in Life, MVP Summit, Photography
Reader Comments (1)
Or is it all just more 'minor'/ small stuff ?
I am not sure whether to dump my allegence from the WP/W8 platform to all in with Android. I rather like WP, and developing for it, but Microsoft WP have been very quiet on any suggestions on WP8.1 to keep us interested. So much for "Shut up and Ship". Which si very different to the MS Azure team, where it is difficult to keep up.