Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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Walrus. Custard. Swimming.


You might not know this (or perhaps even care) but I’m actually a member of a team taking part in Three Thing Game. I’m a part of the Spooky Elephant collective. I’m a sort of “sleeping partner” who doesn’t do much and then turns up to collect the prizes.

Works for me.

Anyhoo, David from our team was at the auction and managed to bag “walrus”, “custard” and “swimming” as the things we are going to have to make a game around. that sounds quite promising to me. But perhaps not as promising as “Team Bacon” who managed to get bread, cooking and,er, bacon. But you have to feel sorry for “The Elite Four” who managed to end up with “Rob Miles”, “Nuts” and “in a dress”. Who knows what they’ll come up with….

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