The Opposite of Planning
“Plans are Useless. Planning is crucial”. I really like this statement. I reckon it boils down to the fact that even if you plan stuff carefully there is a very good chance that it will all go wrong. But it also says that if you don’t plan, things are even worse.
I reckoned I’d planned carefully enough. I had all the bits on hand to make the tags, I got the software mostly working on time. I was held up with a bug of mine that I blush to think about now, perhaps it will be the basis of a blog post in later days.
Anyhoo, the only thing missing was the little plastic envelopes that I’d ordered a couple of weeks ago to put the tag, and the name of the lucky owner, into. But they were bound to arrive in time, weren’t they?
No. So tonight we got to spend a chunk of time sticking bits of papers onto tags with bits of freezer labels that I’d “liberated” from the kitchen. I know some of the labels will drop off, but it is the best I can do.
Number one wife gave me some sage advice. “Why didn’t I get some at the weekend, just in case?”. Indeed.
And I just know the little bags will arrive tomorrow.
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