Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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We were driving back up to Hull today and I was listening to BBC Radio 2 (not a thing I do lightly - unless Terry Wogan is on). They have this feature where people get to pick their favourite tracks. This week it has been Harry Shearer, who is one of the voices of The Simpsons (he does Mr. Burns, Smithers and a whole bunch of others).

And one of the tracks that he picked was Pinball by Brian Protheroe. One of my all time favourites.  Got the single in the loft. What are the chances?

Of course as soon as I got home and on line it was time to try and track down the track. Google and Ebay have provided me with links to his new home page and a cheap copy of his greatest hits. And Napster now have one of his albums on there as well. Amazing.

(Oh, and you really must hear his track "Never Join the Fire Brigade" as well - wonderful stuff)

Reader Comments (2)

Oh on a side note. Have you seen this? think it's pretty cool.
August 21, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterLoke Uei
Oooh. Very nice. Very nice indeed. I actually have my own pinball table (sad I know, but I got it at a knock down price from a friend who was headed state side). It is the Twilight Zone, about the best table ever made I reckon. We've spent many happy hours soldering wires back on and replacing bits that burnt out.

If they do a version of TZ that I can carry round on the tablet that would be soo good.
August 22, 2006 | Registered CommenterRob

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