Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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Goodbye Mark

A few weeks ago Mark Johnston of Microsoft told us he was moving on from the Academic beat and going into to something to do with development. Very sad. Microsoft people do move around within the company rather a lot, it is just the way they do things.

We have worked with Mark for quite a while, definitely one of the good guys, and it will be quite a wrench to see him move on. Anyhoo, best wishes for the future Mark.

As a mark of respect I have sent him a set of "24 Top Trumps" cards.  There is no higher honour.

Reader Comments (1)

Thanks Rob! It's been great working with you over the past 3 years and I have already told Andy that I want to come back and present to your students :-)

Can't wait to play with the Trump cards too - mucho appreciated!
August 23, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMark

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