Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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Cool Books

The books that I bought were all published by Taschen. They do some really nice ones on design and advertising. The ones that I bought were really good value, at only 7 pounds each. I got two on advertising (one from the fifiies and the other from the sixties). I would have got the seventies one too if that had been in the shop.

The third was about design. I just love reading this stuff. Some of the pictures are superb:


From the days when a fridge was an impressive device.


I wonder why he has stuck a cigarette in her shoulder? But then again, she seems happy enough about it.


Why don't cars look like this any more?

If you like a good, thought provoking, read you should get these books. Well worth it.

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