Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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Football Worth Watching

Finally, some football that you don't mind seeing on the telly. Where heroes are heroes, villains are villains and nobody's meta-tarsal gets broken.  For father's day number one daughter got me a copy of Shaolin Soccer a completely bonkers film that shows what happens when the martial arts people take up football.

So I shot home to watch it. And it is very silly. Very, very funny. And silly.  And the odd thing is that, even in the midst of the daftness, they end up creating some characters that you genuinely care about. The action shots are in the best Matrix mould. Only better.

I would strongly advise you to get to see it if you haven't already.  At the very least you should check out the film website. My favourite is the "Iron Shirt" move.

I'm going to watch the film again. Very loudly, during the World Cup Final.

Number one son got me season one of "The 4400", which looks very interesting.  More antidotes to football.

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