Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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Entries by Rob (3094)


Cool Books

The books that I bought were all published by Taschen. They do some really nice ones on design and advertising. The ones that I bought were really good value, at only 7 pounds each. I got two on advertising (one from the fifiies and the other from the sixties). I would have got the seventies one too if that had been in the shop.

The third was about design. I just love reading this stuff. Some of the pictures are superb:


From the days when a fridge was an impressive device.


I wonder why he has stuck a cigarette in her shoulder? But then again, she seems happy enough about it.


Why don't cars look like this any more?

If you like a good, thought provoking, read you should get these books. Well worth it.


The Joys of Living with Rob

Me: Can I call you lunchtime?
Number one wife: OK
Me: See you later, lunchtime.

Oh how I laughed.


Interesting Times

I seem to be living in interesting times. Today I bought a wonderful book (actually I got three - I'll tell you all about them tomorrow).

And I'm setting up some Webcasts which you really must listen to. Details to follow.

And you only have around 18 hours to buy my phone....


Most Valuable Project

We went to Doncaster today to take a look at the work of the students there. We validate their Integrated Technology degree, which means that every year we get to go and see what they have been up to.

This year one of their students created a project which ended up saving their employer 300,000 pounds.  He got good grades.


Profound Thought 0001 of 0001

If God played football would they show the games on "Match of the Deity"?