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Micro Framework Discussion > Fix for GPS Flashlight in ChapterĀ 5

There is a small problem with the GPS enabled flashlight sample.
I came accross this while working through chapter 5.
I originally posted it on the book website, but that seems to be inactive

this is for the GPS enabled flashlight. In GpsEmulatorProgram.cs, find this line
gpsPort = this.FindComponentById("Roomba_Port") as ComPortToMemoryStream;

and replace it with this line
gpsPort = this.FindComponentById("GPS_Port") as ComPortToMemoryStream;

GPS_Port is the name used in the emulator.config file not Roomba_Port

the sample will now work using the log file as a source of GPS messages.
November 20, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJon Hanson
Well spotted.I must have copied the wrong emulator file up onto the Microsoft server. I've posted a corrected version, along with other code that you might find interesting, here:
November 21, 2007 | Registered CommenterRob
I've had the time at work, while waiting for our embedded fusion board to arrive. Thanks for the demo code link, can I be a pest and ask if you have the emulator project to go with the test3 (thermostat) example which expects both spi and serail ports?
November 21, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJon Hanson
By all means you can be a pest. You've earned it. Those files are from the other demonstrations given by Dave Baker from Microsoft: I think he based them on an MSDN article that might be useful. Yopu can find out more at the .NET Micro Framework blog:
November 22, 2007 | Registered CommenterRob