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Micro Framework Discussion > Interrupt handling and garbage collection within the Micro framework


I've heard from a reliable source that you are quite into the .Net Micro framework and pointed me to your site.

The questions I have are about the level of certainty within the framework, this because we already know it isn’t real time. For example when an interrupt occurs it takes some uncertain amount of time before my managed code block that handles the interrupt gets executed. For so far these are just fact. The information I’m looking for is about the underlying mechanism within the .NET Core which affects the handling of interrupts:
- Thread creation
- Context switching
- Queuing mechanism
- Priorities
- Etc.

Some snswers to these questions would give a much better understanding about the framework itself and can help making decisions whether to use or not to use the framework for certain solutions.

Hope you can give some interesting information.

June 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDanny van der Meeren
They are good questions, but I'm afraid I don't have any solid answers as such. You are correct in that the scheduling is not suitable for "hard" real time, where you need a guaranteed response within a given time interval. I must admit that when I've used the Micro Framework interrupts I've not had a problem with this though, it always seems fast enough for me.

If you want to add hard real time capabilities to the framework you can use the ability to insert native code into applications and then bind this to managed code that provides instrumentation.

If you really want to find out how the code works you can get hold of the actual source code of the interpreter (it is now available under a shared source licence) and take a look at what it actually does.
June 17, 2010 | Registered CommenterRob
I completely understand that the use of native code is the only way to be guaranteed of a response within certain time. However I'm also sure that if native code can be omitted by some better understanding of the framework itself the line between the choice of managed or native would be much clearer depending on the application.

As you mentioned above I have downloaded the source package of the Micro Framework and have to say it's well readable and understandable.

If you'd like to get posted on any of my finding just let me know.
June 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDanny van der Meeren