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This is the journal feed for events in the Department of Computer Science at Hull.

Entries by Rob (15)


Christmas Micro-Talks and Mega-Bash

2013 Poster

We’ve got big plans for the Christmas Bash this year.

We thought it might be fun to do something more than just eat pizza, drink cola and play video games. So we have having some Micro-Talks. Then we are going to eat pizza, drink cola and play video games.

If you have done something shiny recently, contributed to a cool project, met someone influential or found a really neat thing everyone should know about then come and tell us all about it. Each speaker will be allowed 5 minutes, and a maximum of 4 PowerPoint slides, to talk about something or other. After this people can ask questions. The idea is to keep things short, sweet and interesting!

Struggling to think of something to talk about? Why not talk about:

  • An open source project you helped
  • A cool programming language or paradigm you’ve discovered
  • A game you’ve made
  • Anything tech related!

If you’re interested in speaking then please fill out this form telling us your subject:

The fun begins on  Tuesday 17th December at 5:15 in Robert Blackburn Lecture Theatre C (RB-LTC). Thanks to Danny Brown for setting the talks up and getting hold of the bumper haul of swag we are giving away as prizes.

Once the talking is over, the pizza will arrive at around 6:30 and we can eat and head off to play games. We will have all the attractions on the poster above and of course the mega-wordsearch with big prizes that are big.

Tickets go on sale at 2:00 pm on Wednesday 11th December in the Departmental Office.


2013 Summer Bash

Summer Bash

The Summer Bash for this year will be on Thursday 30th of May in the usual place, but with a few changes. It will be happening alongside Three Thing Game, which will be happening at the same time, concurrently and in association with it.

All of the usual favourites will be in place, including Team Fortress, assorted video games and, for the first time, Board Game Corner. Come along and try your hand at obscure, but fun, games like “Braggart”, “The Resistance”, “Zombie Dice”, and anything else you fancy bringing along to play. Except Monopoly.

It all kicks off at 4:30 pm in Room 312, the Open Area and various other nooks and crannies around the department. There will also be a word search, where you can search for words. And pizza, and pop.

Entry is by ticket only. Tickets cost 2 pounds each and will be on sale from the Departmental Office in Computer Science from 2:00pm on Wednesday 22nd of May.


2012 "Thrown Together" Christmas Bash


We will be having our Christmas Bash on Wednesday 12th of December in the department. There will be hastily set up video games, food ordered at the last minute, and staff arriving just in time to be beaten at Team Fortress and whatever other gaming goodies that we can find, including a Wii U or two if we can get them to work.

In fact, this event is so "thrown together" that we've had to use the artwork from a couple of years ago.

But it will be fun for all that. Tickets are available from the departmental office.


2011 Christmas Bash

Xmas Bash 2011

If you want to know where all the cool people are (and me) next Thursday, we'll be at the departmental Christmas Bash with games, a monster word search, pizza and all kinds of fun.

If you are a student in the departmeht you can come too. Tickets go on sale in the departmental office from 2:00 pm Monday 12th of December.


2011 Summer Bash

We had our last bash of the year today. It was great fun, even though we had some technical troubles. The camera on the PlayStation Move was definitely faulty, causing me to lose at Table Tennis. Fortunately the Pizza arrived on time, and everybody had fun. Some were there with tears in their eyes, with this being their last bash as students in the department.

I took some pictures, there are a few more on Flicker tagged Hull2011SummerBash.