Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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The Longest Bar in San Jose

Tonight we went to what is apparently "The Longest Bar in San Jose". I can't comment on whether there are longer ones (although the research on such an issue would be fun) but their pitcher of Bud was just fine by me. On the way out I snapped a picture.


The bar goes into the picture. And there was a big jukebox.

Now you see it, now you can't

We went to the Sony PS3 keynote today. The queue was enormous and so we only just got in. Fortunately we managed to find a seat on the balcony next to one of the huge screens:
Unfortunately for us, they were not using the side screens for the actual PS3 video. so all we saw was as above. Apparently they wanted to use High Definition Video, and only the middle screen (set cunningly back on the stage) could do that. So we were left with nothing. Which did not impress. Later in the talk I moved further back so I could see things and the stuff there was very impressive. Launch in November? I'll be there.

Then one of the real highlights for me. Ronald D. Moroe, the brains behind the wonderful new Battlestar Galactica, came and told us how he put the new show together. Very interesting to hear what were effectively design decisions being described about character and plot. I wasn't sure about the video game connection when he started, but as a lot of video games now tell a story it actually made a whole pile of sense to have him give a talk.

Ronald and the original version.

After that I was due to help out on the Windows Mobile stand. So it was on with the Microsoft shirt and away to give help and support to people wanting to know more about writing code for mobile devices. Great fun. I keep meeting ex students and people from way back who see me, do a double take, tell me I taught them to program and then give me a business card with an impressive title on it. Great stuff. Jon insisted that I put this picture of me out there.


The chap on the right is Eric Engineer, Microsoft Product Manager and top bloke.
As a form of revenge, and also so his loved ones can see what they have been missing, I've also added a picture of Jon with a Camel.


More later

Not so wet today

Today was a bit drier than yesterday. Although there was some snow on the mountains apparently.
The day started well, with this really cool car in the motel car park. Then, when we went up town the skies turned a bit more blue.
After a hard day being told stuff we ended up in this neat bar.
A pitcher of Coors Light? That will do nicely.

It Never Rains in San Jose

They say it never rains in San Jose.
Until I go there.

San Jose Sunday

So we set off for a wander round San Jose.
Fancy a weiner?
These are the things you aren't allowed to do on the train. I was kind of hoping that one of them would be take photographs, which would have been a lark. What do you think the thing on the bottom right (which you are allowed to do)is?
I have a weakness for neon signs.
This was inside the mall in the police station thingy. This is a kind of care in the community that I've not come accross before.
The trainstop had this really nice glass roof.
..and here is the train.
This is the San Jose flea market. A completely amazing place. If you are in San Jose and have a need for a cheap chainsaw, or arc welder, or wedding dress, or cowboy hat, or anything, you must go there. I bought a bag. And a watch.
Where we are.
So, are you a Felipe kind of person. Or do you prefer Eli?
On the way to the brewery for dinner.
This is the beer sampler. Don't have the very dark one. We think that they accidentally poured us some furniture polish. The one with the lemon in was nice though. As was the buffalo burger.
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