Thought for the Dazed

I've had to give up that Distance Learning course as I was having trouble seeing the teacher.

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Meanwhile, in a Car Park in Hull...

I just liked the colour of the rails. OK? Posted by Hello

Proper Cleaning

Number One Wife doesn't like it when I do the cleaning. It is not that I don't do it properly. It is just that I try to do it too properly. Where a quick vacum round would do I insist on dismantling the sofa to get out into all the hard to reach bits that are not really dirty anyway. This means that I get around a fifth of the way round the room before I either run out of time or get bored with the job. So we have one part of our house which is really clean and the rest... Come round some time and see if you can spot where I've been.

Inferiority Complex

Having a blog is a bit like having kids. Same relentless requirement for attention. Same not being sure that anyone is listening to what you are telling them. Same feelings of guilt when you neglect them for a week or so.

Ho hum, I'm up to date now though. One thing that upsets me a bit is that when I publish this new fangled blog a message comes up saying "If you have a large blog this may take several minutes to complete". This is replaced in about half a second by a message saying "100% complete". Awwww.

Legal Redress

Bought a bottle of Baby Bio and settled the action out of court. I've thrown the dice in the bin (not that they told me to do this).

Litigous Foliage

My plant is taking me to court. Apparently its dice say "Sue Your Owner".